What really matters

Sika originally developed its sustainability materiality matrix in 2013 to identify and prioritize strategic target areas based on extensive consultation with all stakeholders, through surveys and interviews with employees, customers, suppliers, investors and analysts, and NGOs, and additional desk research. This shaped the six strategic target areas for the sustainability strategy.

Sika regularly reviews the materiality matrix to ensure the sustainability agenda remains relevant, as the business and the external context may be subject to changes.

Product-related topics, such as sustainable solutions, quality, reliability, safety, and innovation are leading the field in terms of stakeholder perception. Sika Group Management and employees tend to be more demanding with regards to topics considered to be material, particularly in relation to social and economic topics. Customers are prone to put emphasis on product- related topics. Especially the automotive industry tends to prioritize environmental issues. The megatrends in vehicle manufacturing and the sustainability demand to reduce emissions lead to a requirement for high-strength bonding systems that produce lighter, stronger, safer, quieter, and greener vehicles, all of which can be achieved with the aid of Sika products. More detailed information about the materiality analysis can be found in the GRI report.    

Wansheng Du